What Health Facility, temporary structure
When Spring 2021
Location Arsta, Stockholm, Sweden
Type Individual/Group Project
Taught by Richa Mukhia & Nathalie Newer, Studio 2
Techniques Rhino 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, hand drawing, sketching, model making

The Circadian Spa is an outdoor retreat centre for people whose mood is affected by the seasonal changes. It is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and because of its northern location it holds significant differences in temperature and light throughout the year. This affects the Swedes’ circadian rhythms, which can disturb their health in a negative way.
The Circadian Spa offers facilities to relax in and helps regulate visitors’ body temperature and perceived light levels. The facilities include two ‘Circadian Baths’ whose lightning stimulates or blocks the production of melatonin in the body, two differently heated saunas, a cold-water plunge pool and access to natural water.